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Fortitude Farm info 2022_edited.png

Fortitude Farm is a 252ha dairy platform, milking 960 crossbred cows through a 40 aside herringbone shed. Our milk is supplied to Fonterra Co-Operative. The farm is located on the Waitaki Plains, 6km North of Oamaru Township on the Pukeuri boundary.


Originally a mixed arable farm, it was converted to dairy in 2015. The farm is irrigated using 3 pivots, fixed grid, and k-lines by water sourced from Lower Waitaki Irrigation Company. The dairy has in-shed feeding, Protrack, and Allflex dairy cow monitoring technology.


By utilising sexed semen for Artificial Insemination in our herd, we can breed beef calves to be reared at Altavady Farm. Together we are reducing bobby calves and working towards better sustainable solutions. 

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